The Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) is a consortium of state education agencies and national educational organizations dedicated to the reform of the preparation, licensing, and on-going professional development of teachers. Created in 1987, INTASC's primary constituency is state education agencies responsible for teacher licensing, program approval, and professional development. Its work is guided by one basic premise: An effective teacher must be able to integrate content knowledge with the specific strengths and needs of students to assure that all students learn and perform at high levels. The projects below show a correlation with the INTASC standards and also my commitment to the acceptance of diversity.

Established learning styles are interesting and valuable learning/teaching tools. Discovering your own strongest learning styles can help you discover ways to best retain information while studying. In the paper in the link below I reveal what I discovered about my own learning styles, express the differences between myself and the average person, analyze some learning activities and formats that match those styles, and explain how the MATLT and online environment is helpful to my learning process. (Demonstration of INTASC Standards Principles 2-5. See link below for more information.) 

Learning Styles Paper.pdf Learning Styles Paper.pdf
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Type : pdf

The benefits of multiculturalism are endless. They provide a rich cultural society, where people have the widest scope in options of viewpoints, ideas, knowledge, and beliefs. Acceptance of differences is the first step to achieving a peaceful coexistence of different cultures. Teachers must be accepting of multiculturalism for two reasons. #1. Most likely there will be students of differencing races, religions, or other differences in a teacher’s class. In a federally funded school teachers are required by law to give each student a safe, unprejudiced, learning environment. #2. Teachers are shaping the future and students with open minds or at least courtesy towards others differing from themselves will have an easier assimilation into the workforce. A good teacher will do his/her best to provide his/her students with the tool needed to become a healthy, productive member of society. The PowerPoint in the link below was developed to explain the benefits of diversity. (Covers INTASC Standards Principles 2, 6, & 7. See link for more information.)

Diversity PP.pptx Diversity PP.pptx
Size : 1.818 Kb
Type : pptx
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