While there are times I might complain while I am doing them, reading and writing are great joys of life. I have always been a very avid reader and I am told I am an excellent, if somewhat hesitant writer.

This page is dedicated to some of my later writing. All of these links are PDFs of papers that were written while I was earning my Masters degree. I received an A for everything I have ever written, except one paper that I have not included.

I am currently working on some fictional pieces. I may add them later on.

If you choose to peruse these writings, I hope that you enjoy and perhaps learn something.

BCI Research Design_final.pdf BCI Research Design_final.pdf
Size : 0.469 Kb
Type : pdf
Faces & Cases of Change.pdf Faces & Cases of Change.pdf
Size : 0.159 Kb
Type : pdf
Dysgraphia final.pdf Dysgraphia final.pdf
Size : 0.205 Kb
Type : pdf
Informal Learning Report.pdf Informal Learning Report.pdf
Size : 0.152 Kb
Type : pdf
Outlook Conundrum.pdf Outlook Conundrum.pdf
Size : 0.108 Kb
Type : pdf
Reflection_Final.pdf Reflection_Final.pdf
Size : 0.014 Kb
Type : pdf
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